Working with Losses

Even though they are called loss "functions", this package implements them as immutable types instead of true Julia functions. There are good reasons for that. For example it allows us to specify the properties of loss functions explicitly (e.g. isconvex(myloss)). It also makes for a more consistent API when it comes to computing the value or the derivative. Some loss functions even have additional parameters that need to be specified, such as the $\epsilon$ in the case of the $\epsilon$-insensitive loss. Here, types allow for member variables to hide that information away from the method signatures.

In order to avoid potential confusions with true Julia functions, we will refer to "loss functions" as "losses" instead. The available losses share a common interface for the most part. This section will provide an overview of the basic functionality that is available for all the different types of losses. We will discuss how to create a loss, how to compute its value and derivative, and how to query its properties.

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Missing docstring for SupervisedLoss. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for UnsupervisedLoss. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Instantiating a Loss

Losses are immutable types. As such, one has to instantiate one in order to work with it. For most losses, the constructors do not expect any parameters.

julia> L2DistLoss()

julia> HingeLoss()

We just said that we need to instantiate a loss in order to work with it. One could be inclined to belief, that it would be more memory-efficient to "pre-allocate" a loss when using it in more than one place.

julia> loss = L2DistLoss()

julia> loss(3, 2)

However, that is a common oversimplification. Because all losses are immutable types, they can live on the stack and thus do not come with a heap-allocation overhead.

Even more interesting in the example above, is that for such losses as L2DistLoss, which do not have any constructor parameters or member variables, there is no additional code executed at all. Such singletons are only used for dispatch and don't even produce any additional code, which you can observe for yourself in the code below. As such they are zero-cost abstractions.

julia> v1(loss,y,t) = loss(y,t)

julia> v2(y,t) = L2DistLoss()(y,t)

julia> @code_llvm v1(loss, 3, 2)
define i64 @julia_v1_70944(i64, i64) #0 {
  %2 = sub i64 %1, %0
  %3 = mul i64 %2, %2
  ret i64 %3

julia> @code_llvm v2(3, 2)
define i64 @julia_v2_70949(i64, i64) #0 {
  %2 = sub i64 %1, %0
  %3 = mul i64 %2, %2
  ret i64 %3

On the other hand, some types of losses are actually more comparable to whole families of losses instead of just a single one. For example, the immutable type L1EpsilonInsLoss has a free parameter $\epsilon$. Each concrete $\epsilon$ results in a different concrete loss of the same family of epsilon-insensitive losses.

julia> L1EpsilonInsLoss(0.5)

julia> L1EpsilonInsLoss(1)

For such losses that do have parameters, it can make a slight difference to pre-instantiate a loss. While they will live on the stack, the constructor usually performs some assertions and conversion for the given parameter. This can come at a slight overhead. At the very least it will not produce the same exact code when pre-instantiated. Still, the fact that they are immutable makes them very efficient abstractions with little to no performance overhead, and zero memory allocations on the heap.

Computing the Values

The first thing we may want to do is compute the loss for some observation (singular). In fact, all losses are implemented on single observations under the hood, and are functors.

julia> loss = L1DistLoss()

julia> loss.([2,5,-2], [1,2,3])
3-element Vector{Int64}:

Computing the 1st Derivatives

Maybe the more interesting aspect of loss functions are their derivatives. In fact, most of the popular learning algorithm in Supervised Learning, such as gradient descent, utilize the derivatives of the loss in one way or the other during the training process.

To compute the derivative of some loss we expose the function deriv. It may be interesting to note explicitly, that we always compute the derivative in respect to the predicted output, since we are interested in deducing in which direction the output should change.

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Computing the 2nd Derivatives

Additionally to the first derivative, we also provide the corresponding methods for the second derivative through the function deriv2. Note again, that we always compute the derivative in respect to the predicted output.

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Properties of a Loss

In some situations it can be quite useful to assert certain properties about a loss-function. One such scenario could be when implementing an algorithm that requires the loss to be strictly convex or Lipschitz continuous. Note that we will only skim over the defintions in most cases. A good treatment of all of the concepts involved can be found in either [BOYD2004] or [STEINWART2008].

This package uses functions to represent individual properties of a loss. It follows a list of implemented property-functions defined in LearnBase.jl.

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Missing docstring for ismarginbased. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isminimizable. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isdifferentiable. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for istwicedifferentiable. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isconvex. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isstrictlyconvex. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isstronglyconvex. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isnemitski. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isunivfishercons. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isfishercons. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for islipschitzcont. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for islocallylipschitzcont. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isclipable. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for isclasscalibrated. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for issymmetric. Check Documenter's build log for details.