Developer guide

A short guide for extending the interface as a developer.


TableTransforms.jl currently supports over 25 different transforms that cover a wide variety of use cases ranging from ordinary table operations to complex statistical transformations, which can be arbitrarily composed with one another through elegant syntax. It is easy to leverage all this functionality as a developer of new transforms, and this is the motivation of this guide.

Basic assumptions

All the transforms in this package implement the transforms interface defined in the TransformsBase.jl package so this is really the only dependency needed. The interface assumes the following about new transforms:

  • Transforms operate on a single table
  • Transforms may be associated with some state that if computed while applying it for the first time and is then cached can help later reapply the transform on another table without recomputing the state
  • The transform may be revertible, meaning that a transformed table can be brought back to its original form, and it may need to use the cache for that
  • Your transform may be invertible in the mathematical sense
Revertible does not imply invertible

Reversibility assumes that the transform has been applied already and can be undone. On the other hand, invertibility implies that there is a one-to-one mapping between the input and output tables so a table can be inverted to a corresponding input even if it was not transformed a priori.

Defining a new transform

In the following we shall demonstrate the steps to define a new transform.

1. Declare a new type for your transform

The type should subtype TransformsBase.Transform and it should have a named field for each parameter needed to apply the transform besides the input table. For instance, if you want to call your transform Standardize and it takes two boolean inputs center and scale , then you should declare:

struct Standardize <: TransformsBase.Transform

You may implement keyword constructors as needed if some of the parameters are optional:

Standardize(; center::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) = Standardize(center, scale)

2. Implement the apply method for your transform

The apply method takes an instance of your transform type and a table and returns a new table and cache. Suppose that the Standardize transform should zero-mean each column if center is true and scale each column to unit variance if scale is true, then the apply method should be implemented as follows:

using Statistics

function TransformsBase.apply(transform::Standardize, X)
    # convert the table to a matrix and get col names
    Xm = Tables.matrix(X)
    names = Tables.columnnames(X)
    # compute the means and stds
    μ = ? mean(Xm, dims=1) : zeros(1, size(Xm, 2))
    σ = transform.scale ? std(Xm, dims=1) : ones(1, size(Xm, 2))
    # standardize the data
    Xm = (Xm .- μ) ./ σ
    # convert matrix to column table
    Xc =  (; zip(names, eachcol(Xm))...)
    # convert back to original table type
    X = Xc |> Tables.materializer(X)
    # return the table and cache that may help reapply or revert later
    return X, (μ, σ)

That's it really! Your transform now behaves like any table transform:

using TableTransforms

X = (A=[1, 2, 3], B=[4, 5, 6])
Xt = X |> Standardize() |> Identity() |> Select([:A])

It holds, however, that in case your transform can be reapplied, is revertible, or is invertible then you should continue implementing the interface to support such functionality.

3. Optionally implement reapply

We need this in case of the Standarize transform because after computing the mean and std for some training table we may want to apply the transform directly given a test table. Hence, we implement reapply which has the same signature as apply but it takes an extra argument for the cache and doesn't return it.

function TransformsBase.reapply(transform::Standardize, X, cache)
    # convert the table to a matrix and get col names
    Xm = Tables.matrix(X)
    names = Tables.columnnames(X)
    # no need to recompute means and stds
    μ, σ = cache
    # standardize the data
    Xm = (Xm .- μ) ./ σ
    # convert matrix to column table
    Xc =  (; zip(names, eachcol(Xm))...)
    # convert back to original table type
    X = Xc |> Tables.materializer(X)
    return X

If not implemented, reapply simply falls back to apply.

4. Optionally specify that your transform is revertible and implement revert

We can specify reversibility for an arbitrary transform T by setting isrevertible(::Type{T}) to true. It's obvious that this should be supported by our transform so we do

TransformsBase.isrevertible(::Type{Standardize}) = true

By default this falls back to false so users of the interface would be aware that revert is not implemented in that case. Now we follow up by implementing the revert method:

function TransformsBase.revert(transform::Standardize, X, cache)
     # convert the table to a matrix and get col names
    Xm = Tables.matrix(X)
    names = Tables.columnnames(X)
    # extract the mean and std
    μ, σ = cache
    # revert the transform
    Xm = Xm .* σ .+ μ
    # convert matrix to column table
    Xc =  (; zip(names, eachcol(Xm))...)
    # convert back to original table type
    X = Xc |> Tables.materializer(X)
    return X

5. Optionally specify that your transform is invertible and implement Base.inv

Similar to reversibility, falls back to false by default. We can write that explicitly here since Standardize has no inverse if we are given nothing except for the table.

TransformsBase.isinvertible(::Type{Standardize}) = false

If an arbitrary transform T is invertible we can rather specify that as true and follow up by implementing Base.inv(::T) which would be expected to return an instance of the inverse transform. For instance, for an identity transform we can do

# interface struct
struct Identity <: Transform end
# specify that it is invertible
TransformsBase.isinvertible(::Type{Identity}) = true
# implement Base.inv
Base.inv(::Identity) = Identity()

which implies that inv(Identity()) would return an identity transform.